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Harleigh Harris is a dedicated and hard working agent with natural enthusiasm for connecting sellers with buyers and achieving results with high satisfaction. Harleigh has specialities in property appraisals, social media marketing strategy and providing a personalised sales experience for his clients. With five years experience Harleigh has helped hundreds of families buy and sell their home.

Harleigh has a genuine passion for real estate and has driven quick progression within the industry from the ground up. With a solid background in customer service Harleigh has worked in all facets of the real estate transaction, gaining invaluable experience and insight into the whole sales process from beginning to end.

Harleigh was recognised as a finalist for the 2022 REIQ Rising Star Award that recognises excellence within the industry which plays testimate to his hard work and satisfied clients. Working alongside Narelle Lorensen from Belle Property Nundah, they make a standout team within the marketplace.

Harleigh's caring and straight forward nature and professional approach ensures that some of the stress of selling and buying a home is taken away.

Team Lorensen.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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