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Daniel Lee.

You're in safe hands.

A definitive local market expert, Daniel Lee is an experienced Sales Agent with an exemplary reputation of exceeding his clients’ expectations. Daniel’s impressive clearance rates reflect his skill at delivering client expectations and achieving premium and best results possible. Growing up and educated in the region, his links to the community and broad real estate insight are inspiring. Highly professional, Daniel is aware of the key elements required to achieve optimum outcomes for vendors. His product knowledge, effective marketing campaigns, honed negotiation prowess and clear communication with all parties underpin his impeccable customer service.

Partnering with Eva Xu, they have formed a reputable team that continue to delight their valued clients across the northern districts. One of the best in the business, he is an asset to Belle Property. Daniel is an approachable individual to talk to if you’re looking to buy or sell, or seeking up to the minute property information.

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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