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Belle Property Brighton.

With our innovative style and total passion for providing outstanding service, we at Belle Property Brighton aspire to deliver the ultimate real estate experience. Together with our partner office Belle Property St Kilda, we now form one of the largest real estate teams in Melbourne, and bring a fresh, energetic and established front to the Bayside market.

Our award-winning Directors Sam Inan and John Manning, along with Julian Cannata and Costa Karabatsos head up a team of more than 40 members to service the city’s most sought-after beachside locations. We offer a comprehensive service that values relationships and provides expert advice across residential sales, commercial sales and leasing, and property management. Our team has been consistently recognised in the Top 3 Multi-Office agencies within the company as well as having two of the top Real Estate Agents and Business Development Managers in the Belle Property, Hockingstuart and ACTON real estate network.

The Belle Property Brighton team lives and breathes the Bayside lifestyle while our in-depth local and industry knowledge is second to none. Consistently setting new benchmarks, this is a unique and highly effective agency that raises the standard in the quality of marketing, service and results. Clients benefit from our focused and vast experience, all backed by the nationwide Belle Property network.


Our team.

Partner | Head of Sales
Partner | Senior Sales Associate
Sales Associate
Licensed Estate Agent
Senior Sales Consultant | Licensed Estate Agent
Head of Property Management
Business Development Manager
Business Development Manager
Property Manager
Property Manager
Property Manager

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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Contact office.

If you require more information please complete the following details