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Ben Bickmore-Hutt.

You're in safe hands.

The consummate real estate professional, Ben Bickmore-Hutt has spent more than 30 years marketing, selling and managing quality properties across the sought-after Eastern Suburbs. Possessing a maturity that only comes with vast experience and decades of success, Ben has cemented his reputation as one of the area’s most accomplished agents, with a broad following of loyal clients and an ability to consistently achieve outstanding results.

Having been at the helm of his own agency for three decades, Ben has joined forces with the Belle Property Bondi Junction family, complementing his experience & enthusiasm for his work together with the backing of one of Australia’s most successful real estate networks. With a personal vision and philosophy built on the premise of trust and honesty, he leads by example in doing the right things outstandingly well and with integrity.

With his highly developed negotiating skills, energetic approach and intimate knowledge of the local property landscape, Ben continues to develop innovative, strategic marketing campaigns. He has an unrivalled understanding of the market’s unique dynamics, having seen its many fluctuations throughout his extensive career.

Ben has the ability to establish a professional rapport that instils a sense of confidence in both buyers and sellers. As an empathetic individual, he ensures that the specific needs of clients are met in every respect.

Specialty suburbs.

Bondi Junction.
Queens Park.
Bondi Beach.
North Bondi.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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