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Mark Keck.

Sales Associate, Belle Property Bendigo

You're in safe hands.

Mark Keck is an experienced Bendigo real estate agent with excellent local connections and an extensive network within the community. He is known for his friendly, down-to-earth manner and an ability to follow through and deliver fantastic outcomes for buyers and sellers.

Growing up in Bendigo, Mark has seen the city grow around him and is proud of the thriving, prosperous regional centre it has become over the years. He has lived, worked and raised his family here and enjoys a busy local lifestyle – being involved in the community through business, schools and sport.  Having run a successful business in Bendigo for many years, Mark brings a wealth of local knowledge and understanding of real estate in the area.

When it comes to relationships, Mark is an expert at getting to the heart of the matter – listening to buyers and sellers and helping achieve the best outcome possible. Whether dealing with a first home buyer or a savvy investor adding to their portfolio, he has become known as a supportive guide, dedicated to getting the best results and meeting sale and service expectations.

As part of the fantastic team of local experts, Mark is a trustworthy agent, ready to bring you the best result when selling your property. Together with the nationwide brand and premium team culture of Belle Property, he is able to offer his vendors so much more in terms of professionalism, results and outstanding service.

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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