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Thomas Perram.

Principal | Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Beecroft | Carlingford
Specialty suburbs
  • Carlingford
  • North Rocks
  • Telopea
Specialty suburbs
  • Carlingford
  • North Rocks
  • Telopea

You're in safe hands.

With 10 years’ experience behind him Thomas provides an absolute understanding of real estate and implements, with great success, strategies designed to maximize the results of each and every sale.

Thomas’s key to success stems from understanding what drives your future buyer and who your future buyer ultimately is. Understanding this allows Thomas to utilise the most effective method of sale along with marketing strategies designed to engage your future buyer.

Beyond the marketing and method of sales Thomas goes to great lengths to ensure that every facet of the property transaction is considered; from the presentation to the representation of your property. Each interaction allows Thomas to build on the value of your largest asset.

Thomas is hardworking and dedicated to his clients. With an unwavering belief that communication is a vital, yet often overlooked, duty of his role he prides himself on providing unrivalled communication through every step in the sales process.


Thomas Perram's team.

Executive Assistant
Real Estate Agent
Assistant Agent

Your complimentary Carlingford market report.

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Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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