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Jason Jaeger.

Principal | Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Caloundra

You're in safe hands.

When it comes to dealing with buyers and sellers throughout this part of the Sunshine Coast, the husband-and-wife team of Jason and Rebecca Jaeger enjoy an exceptional reputation as the go-to professionals in the area. More than just fully qualified real estate agents, they have built a solid reputation based on their in-depth knowledge and broad understanding of the local property market, gained through a successful career in the industry that spans more than 25 years of combined experience.

As the directors and licensees in charge of Belle Property Caloundra, Team Jaeger is excited to introduce a fresh new brand and provide a highly personalised service to their clients. Their teamwork and expertise make them leaders in the area, and they understand the significance of witnessing the happiness that comes from helping clients achieve their goals.

Over the years, Jason and Rebecca have consistently achieved a high level of success by listening to what their clients want and executing a tailored sales strategy. They also believe that Belle Property lead the way when it comes to a focus on premium marketing and providing outstanding levels of service and results.

Specialty suburbs.

Dicky Beach.
Moffat Beach.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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