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You're in safe hands.

Escapes Concierge Meg Addison is committed to upholding the premium service for which Belle Property Escapes Cairns is known. Driven by a desire to facilitate a positive experience for both owners and guests, her professionalism, consistency, and reliability are key to her success in this busy front-line position.

A Cairns local for more than 35 years, Meg’s exceptional communication skills and friendly, approachable nature ensure she can multi-task across a range of responsibilities and prioritise with ease. This includes pre-booking enquiries, greeting guests, client management, guest experience, property management, overseeing housekeeping and maintenance, troubleshooting, administration, system and process management, and the general smooth running of a high-quality portfolio of holiday let properties.

Meg’s personal experience in holiday letting across three continents and ten countries affords her a valuable insight into what makes a good guest experience. The application of that knowledge, and her passion for matching a property’s aesthetic to the desired mood of a holiday, ensures that every guest enjoys a five-star stay, and contributes to owners maintaining maximum occupancy of their property.

A team player, Meg is dedicated to her personal development, and generous in sharing knowledge and supporting her colleagues in the Escapes team and the wider Belle Property Cairns business.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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