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Moses Habib understands how important his role is to our buyers, who he supports by making sure they receive everything they need to make their real estate journey a success. He is keen to carve out a reputation as an honest and hard-working property professional who provides a high standard of service to everyone he has the chance to work with.

Prior to his career in real estate, Moses worked in the Australian Air Force combat and security, giving him a solid foundation in self-discipline and an appreciation for hard work and dedication. He has transferred these skills into his role as a Buyer Specialist and offers his clients the persistence and creativity that’s needed to excel.

Moses’ passion for the local area is backed by an enthusiasm for the exciting lifestyle and amazing people of St Kilda, Brighton and the surrounding suburbs. He is now absorbing as much about the industry as he can while working under some of the best real estate agents in Victoria, and embracing Belle Property St Kilda’s culture of providing exceptional service.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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