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Kellie Burns.

Specialty suburbs
  • Baulkham Hills
  • Beaumont Hills
  • Bella Vista
  • Castle Hill
  • Cherrybrook
  • West Pennant Hills
  • Kellyville
  • Dural
  • Glenhaven
Specialty suburbs
  • Baulkham Hills
  • Beaumont Hills
  • Bella Vista
  • Castle Hill
  • Cherrybrook
  • West Pennant Hills
  • Kellyville
  • Dural
  • Glenhaven

You're in safe hands.

With 30 years of real estate experience and an impressive reputation to her name, Belle Property Castle Hill’s Co-principal, Kellie Burns is one of the Hills District’s most successful real estate agents. With a high level of real estate expertise, superior marketing abilities and a well-respected standing in the community, Kellie is an asset to Belle Property Castle Hill and the Belle Property brand.

Along with her husband, Co-principal, Andrew McDermott, Kellie opened Belle Property Castle Hill in 2011. Before leading the award-winning team, Kellie recognised the need for a real estate brand such as Belle Property to adequately cater to the needs of the broader Hills District real estate market and do justice to the marketing of local properties. In just five years, Kellie has nurtured her staff to become one of the Hills District’s most specialised real estate teams with expertise in residential sales, property management and project marketing.

Aside from the superior award-winning team she has helped groom, Kellie herself has garnered an exceptional reputation in the Hill’s District real estate arena for her years of experience in real estate sales and her expert people management and communication skills. Kellie has been recognised consistently throughout her career and has an impressive 92 percent referral success rate.

With the support of the highly regarded Belle Property brand behind her, Kellie is proud to be able to offer her clients the very best property marketing strategies available and the broadest exposure for her listings through the Belle Property database and extensive network of offices. Kellie believes that every home, irrespective of its value, deserves the Belle Property brand.


Specialty suburbs.

Baulkham Hills.
Castle Hill.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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